
And he said unto them, “Go ye into the entire world and preach the gospel to every creature.” - Mark 16:15

West Ohio is blessed to send, receive, and support missionaries working in a variety of settings. Using the links on this page, you can learn more about missionaries originally from West Ohio and missionaries we support within our Mission Partnerships! God’s love knows no limits, and our missionaries are living out that truth. To learn how to partner with these missionaries in ministry, click here!

Mission Partnership Missionaries: These missionaries are continuing the legacy of empowering new generations of Christians so they too may one day lead all of us into deeper faith.

-DR Congo: Jeanne & Gaston Ntambo

-DR Congo: Lorraine Charinda

-Mexico: Willie Berman

West Ohio Missionaries: These native West Ohioans are following God's call to 'go ye into the entire world.'

-Nepal: Les & Debbie Dornon

-Pennsylvania: Katie Peterson

Mission Volunteers: Missionaries who seek long-term partnerships with communities around the world.

-Congo: Jane Wise

Discover how you can find your place in mission service through The United Methodist Church by going to the Missionary Service webpage at the General Board of Global Ministries! 

For more information on missionaries or mission service, contact Mariellyn Grace, Mission & Communication Coordinator, at mgrace@wocumc.org.