OhioHealth is a nationally recognized, not-for-profit, charitable, healthcare ministry of the United Methodist Church. We have 29,000 associates, physicians and volunteers, and a network of 12 hospitals, 200+ ambulatory sites, hospice, home health, medical equipment and other health services spanning 47 Ohio counties. OhioHealth's connection to the United Methodist Church is long-standing and deep. While other health ministries moved away from faith-based roots in the 1990s, OhioHealth made a commitment to draw closer to its sole corporate member, the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.
So what does it mean to OhioHealth to be United Methodist?
Primarily, it means that we take faith seriously in the healing journey of our patients and in our care for their families and our associates. The policies that we create at OhioHealth and the actions that we take in caring for our patients are guided by our United Methodist Social Principles. Our policies from labor relations to care for the dying are all guided by the historic healthcare priorities and values of The United Methodist Church For more information about this relationship, contact Corey Perry at Corey.Perry@ohiohealth.com.
What does this relationship mean for UMC congregations?
There are many ways that OhioHealth is connected to congregations.
First, UMC parishioners use OhioHealth for their healthcare. We often host clergy gatherings so that local clergy can meet our chaplains-the spiritual care professionals who your parishioners will encounter in the hospital.
Second, we know that health starts in the community, not in the hospital. As an important part of your church members' community, we want to cooperate with you in creating a healthier population. OhioHealth chaplains and health educators are available to speak to groups in your church about the various ways that faith and health intersect.
How does OhioHealth impact clergy health?
OhioHealth has a robust clergy education program. Through CPE and other programs, clergy have opportunities to become more skilled in providing care in the hospital and having conversations about death and dying. Our CPE program also helps to promote self-care among clergy and develop self-awareness so that clergy can have a healthy work/life balance. For more information about this relationship, contact Jeff Holman at Jeffrey.Holman@ohiohealth.com.