Born and raised in Mexico, Willie Berman attended the Instituto Tecnologico de Saltillo and earned a degree in engineering. He worked in the computer industry while serving part-time as VIM coordinator for the San Pablo District of the Eastern Conference of the Methodist Church of Mexico. Willie's call to mission was inspired by the work of his parents (lay persons) as they received and worked with mission teams in the poor areas of Reynosa, Mexico. He began sensing God's call to mission as he saw how US teams in Reynosa worked with the people with so much love and care, and how inactive his local church was in mission. "I felt they (US teams) were doing what we (the Methodist Church of Mexico) were supposed to be doing as a church," Willie says. Willie and his wife, Veronica, are the parents of two children. The Bermans attend Community of Faith Church in Rio Bravo, Mexico.


Willie Berman serves as the Director of Manos Juntas Mexico (Hands Together Mexico) and also works with Volunteers in Mission teams coming into Mexico. New ministries have been started in communities with which the work teams serve: medical clinics, construction of homes/schools/community centers, breakfast and lunch programs, craft programs, and more. "I have seen wonderful growth of the social outreach ministries of our church and hope to see many more," Willie says. Learn more about the ministries with this virtual mission experience!

How You Can Help

Your support of Willie will help the Church in Mexico and the United States offer the love of Jesus in both word and deed. Like all United Methodist missionaries, Willie is responsible for raising his own support through covenant relationships with individuals, groups, and congregations. To support Willie, you may donate online here, or send a check to West Ohio Conference, 32 Wesley Blvd, Worthington, OH 43085, with 'Willie Berman, #3019612' in the Memo line. You may also donate to Manos Juntas Mexico using Advance Number 3020527.

Get to know Willie and his ministry by watching this virtual itineration video!