UMC Glossary of Terms & West Ohio Conference FAQ

Ever hear someone use a term at church that you didn't quite understand? The United Methodist Glossary of Terms can be a helpful tool.  Below you will find some information that is pertinent to the West Ohio Conference.  Click here to search for other United Methodist terms.

Episcopal Area

The annual conference or conferences to which a bishop is assigned by the Jurisdictional or Central conference. The bishop lives within the bounds of the episcopal area and presides over the work of one or more annual conferences.

Source: Sharing God's Gifts Glossary of United Methodist Terms

Fact:  West Ohio Conference is in the Ohio West Episcopal Area


An elder (ordained minister) who is elected to the office of bishop. Unlike the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox traditions, The United Methodist Church considers the episcopacy an "office" and not a third order of ministry (along with deacon and elder). A United Methodist bishop is consecrated for the office of bishop by other United Methodist bishops. A bishop serves as a general superintendent of the denomination. As such, individually and collectively bishops give general oversight to the temporal and spiritual interests of the entire denomination. It is a responsibility of the bishops to see that the rules, regulations, and responsibilities developed by the General Conference are understood and effectively carried out. The Greek word for bishop is episcopos, which is the root word for episcopal.

Source: A Dictionary for United Methodists, Alan K. Waltz, Copyright 1991, Abingdon Press. Used by permission.

Fact:  Bishop Gregory Vaughn Palmer has faithfully served the Ohio West Episcopal Area since 2012. He will retire in August 2024. A new bishop will be assigned to the West Ohio Conference in July 2024. The United States has 54 annual conferences, supervised by bishops in 46 episcopal areas.

Annual Conference

A regional, organizational unit of The United Methodist Church and the yearly business meeting of that unit, both presided over by a bishop. The business session is composed of equal numbers of clergy and laity. At least one layperson from each pastoral charge is a member. There are 56 annual conferences in the United States and 76 outside the U.S. in Africa, Europe and the Philippines. The conference is a time to review ministry, adopt policy and resolutions, and strengthen spiritual life.

Source: InfoServ

Fact: We are the West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church.


The five geographic areas in the United States, each composed of several annual conferences as determined by the General Conference: North Central, Northeastern, South Central, Southeastern and Western.

Source: Sharing God's Gifts Glossary of United Methodist Terms

Fact: West Ohio is in the North Central Jurisdiction along with East Ohio, Indiana, Northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Great Rivers, Dakotas, Minnesota and Michigan Conferences

Jurisdictional Conference

The quadrennial meeting of clergy and lay delegates from the annual conferences within the boundaries of one of five U.S. jurisdictions: North Central (NCJ), Northeastern, South Central, Southeastern and Western. Jurisdictional Conferences convene every four years. The business includes the election and assignment of bishops.

Source: Sharing God's Gifts Glossary of United Methodist Terms

Fact: The North Central Jurisdictional Conference will be held July 10-13, 2024 in Sioux Falls, SD. A new bishop will be assigned to our conference at the conclusion of the NCJ gathering.

Special Called Session of the North Central Jurisdiction met January 23, 2024

The Bishops of the North Central Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church called a Special Session of the jurisdictional conference to meet in virtual session on January 23, 2024.

Two motions came before the conference:

MOTION 1 – The North Central Jurisdiction form a new episcopal area composed of the Northern Illinois Conference and the Wisconsin Conference effective September 1, 2024. The motion passed.

MOTION 2 – The North Central Jurisdiction form a new episcopal area composed of the East Ohio Conference and the West Ohio Conference effective September 1, 2024. The motion passed.

Proposed names for the new episcopal areas will be presented for vote during the regular session of the North Central Jurisdictional Conference July 10-13, 2024 in Sioux Falls, SD

Source: North Central Jurisdiction website

Fact: The East and West Ohio Conferences will remain separate conferences in one episcopal area, served by the same bishop effective September 1, 2024.