Sharing around a table is one of the most uniquely human things we do. No other creature consumes its food at a table. When we share around the table with each other, we are reminded that food it more than fuel.
Gathering around a table is the most important places of human connection; fellowship while sharing a meal. We shouldn’t be surprised, then, to find that throughout the Bible God has a way of showing up at tables. In fact, it’s worth noting that at the center of the spiritual lives of God’s people in both the Old and New Testaments, we find a table: the table of Passover and the table of Communion.
Connect A-Round Table is a time to gather on zoom, share a meal together, and connect over subjects that peak interest. Each Connect session includes a 45 - minute round table discussion with a panel discussion followed by a Q&A. The session will conclude with creating actionable steps to the topic being discussed. Everyone is encouraged to bring a meal with them to each session.
You are invited to Connect A-Round Table - Creation Care. The panel of speakers will include Bob Downs, founding member of the West Ohio Creation Care Task Force (CCTF); Rev. Ryan Grace, current chair of CCTF and pastor of the Urban Farm Church in Columbus; and Rev. Jessica Stonecypher, a Deacon and vocational agriculture instructor who is passionate about the environment.