2024 Go! Grant Applications Now Available
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Go! Grants are for passionate individuals and churches eager to explore unchartered territory. We encourage everyone, regardless of background or experience, to apply. Diversity is key to inspiring fresh perspectives, and we are excited to help nurture churches in their ministry.

Innovative ideas will be considered in the following seven categories:

  • Family Ministries [a ministry supporting families, children, youth, or college aged leaders]
  • Emerging Gen Leaders [a ministry led by children, youth, or college aged leaders]
  • Inclusion [a ministry focused on hospitality, intentionally including people who are often overlooked]
  • Social Transformation [a ministry focused on changing/alleviating institutionalized norms]
  • Community Engagement [a ministry focused on cultivating long-term relationships within your community]
  • Fresh Expressions/GHX [a new expression of church happening beyond the building]
  • Building Bridges [a building enhancement to support better accessibility and connection for those outside of the church building, such as signage, handicap accessibility, media enhancements]

Deadline to complete and submit the online application is October 1, 2023.

*All Go! Grants recipients will be invited and celebrated at the Bishop’s Go Awards on February 4, 2024.