Flooding & Climate Change

Genesis 6:17:  I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.

Floods. Hurricanes. Droughts. Wildfires. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of severe weather events around the world. These days, just watching the news can make it feel as though we are living through an apocalyptic, global disaster like the flood of Genesis… And, in some ways we are.

Right now, climate change is increasing the likelihood of both severe storms and floods. But it is not being caused by the wrath of God. Climate change is driven by people, and it has real world consequences. On June 25, 2021, the residents of Detroit went to bed like any other night. The next morning, thousands of people awoke to discover their basements had flooded with up to 8 feet of stormwater and sewage. Furniture was destroyed. Washers and dryers were overturned. Family heirlooms had been ruined. Lives were disrupted as people were forced to move out of homes until they could be decontaminated - a process which took months for some residents.

The flood of 2021 damaged thousands of homes. Residents who live in areas of concentrated poverty tended to be more impacted by the storm. It was the second historic flood to hit the city in just seven years, and with global temperatures continuing to rise, scientists expect more floods to come. The decisions we make now to live more sustainably - or not - will impact people for the future. This new documentary, 100 Year Flood, follows a West Ohio ERT team into Detroit to see the flood damage, highlights local people who are trying to build a more sustainable future, and asks: Will people change the ways they live to reduce the likelihood of events like this, for their neighbors in Detroit and around the world?

The '100 Year Flood' documentary, which focuses on flooding and climate change in Detroit, is now available to churches and other groups. Contact mgrace@wocumc.org for more information.