Disaster Readiness Training

The West Ohio Conference has UMCOR-trained leaders to help local churches assess their disaster readiness and develop a disaster ministry. Churches can better provide a caring Christian response to local disasters if they have prepared their church families and facility before a disaster occurs. Connecting Neighbors addresses the faith community's responsibility in disaster readiness and response and suggests tools to meet individual and community needs.

The Connecting Neighbors curriculum includes an overview of disaster ministry and three training sessions.

  • Session 1: Ready Congregants focuses on preparing individuals and families to be disaster-ready.
  • Session 2: Ready Churches emphasizes the importance of protecting church property and the people within the property, before and immediately following a disaster, and of appropriate use of church property in disaster response.
  • Session 3: Ready Response encourages churches to explore their capacity for various disaster response ministries and to consider ways to engage community partners.

If you would like to have an UMCOR-trained leader work with your congregation, please email Mariellyn Grace at mgrace@wocumc.org.