Board Of Trustees

Description:  The Conference Board of Trustees serve a role analogous to the Trustees of a local church.  It’s serves as the official corporate board of directors of the Ohio nonprofit corporate that is the Annual Conference.  It has responsibility for affiliated organization relationships and oversees real estate owned by the conference.

Desired experiences/skills: Experience in real estate, risk management, administrative process and governance, investment management along with prior service on a board of directors and executive leadership. 

Upcoming Focused Priorities:  Anticipated denominational changes and required policy determinations at the conference level will run through the Board of Trustees.  Further, the real estate portion of the Trustees’ duties will be significant as our churches age and close in a natural manner.

Time commitment:  Trustees meet 4 or 5 times annually in June, September, November, February and sometimes April.  Meetings are generally two hours and members may serve on either the Real Estate or Affiliated Organizations committee.  Total time commitment for preparation and meeting attendance is approximately 30 hours annually, including committee meetings.

Meetings:  Meetings have historically been in-person but zoom has proven effective through COVID.  Going forward, members should expect a combination of in-person and virtual meetings.  Meetings have historically been on Tuesdays beginning at 11:00 and including lunch.  Meeting virtually introduces opportunities to meet at other times of day.