Annual Conference Planning Committee

Description:  The committee plans the details, theme, and comprehensive approach to our annual gathering of clergy and lay delegates to annual conference.  A variety of individuals and committees and institutions make request to be part of our annual gathering.  The planning team is responsible for orchestrating our time to be a balance of worship, teaching, legislation, and relationship building.

Upcoming focused priorities:  The planning team realizes the changing realities of the time and culture we find ourselves living within and how that provides wonderful opportunities to create fresh expressions of conferencing.  One of the major priorities before us is discerning the location of future annual conferences.  We also are very mindful of the need to structure our time of conferencing to create the space and opportunity for the whole of the church to be able to gather and be represented.

Desired experiences/skills:  The greatest gift one can bring to the committee is a love for Jesus and the church.  It takes an ability to have a creative thought, a desire for detail, an awareness of what conferencing involves, and an appreciation for the ways the Holy Spirit works among a gathering of 3,000 people in one space.

Time commitment:  Currently we meet approximately 6-8 times per year.   Our meetings usually last between 1 and 1.5 hours in duration.

Meetings:  Our meetings lately have been thru ZOOM.   This has given us a greater participation from across the annual conference.