Earth Care: From Anxiety to Action
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You are invited to the Sprague Forum on September 30th, 9am-12pm, at North Broadway United Methodist Church (48 E. North Broadway, Columbus 43215). The event theme, "Earth Care: From Anxiety to Action," focuses on practical steps towards a greener future.

The keynote speaker Dr. Tim Van Meter from MTSO will discuss "Uncomfortable Choices: Climate Justice for Generational Thriving."

Breakout sessions will cover:

● Sustainable living

● Recycling and waste management

● Benefits of EVs, heat pumps, solar panels

● Trees and local sustainability (3-6 foot trees will be available to take home for free)

● Climate justice discussion

The Sprague Forum is a time to examine the work of climate justice and what it means to use theological imagination which thinks clearly about how the activities of those living today are adversely affecting generations for hundreds of years of our planet’s future.

Registration ($20, including lunch from Freedom a la Carte). Come, learn, and act for our planet's future.